TACK Growth Strategies - Business Plan

Business Plan

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A good strategic plan translates into a business plan that ensures a long-term business overview and serves as a “road map” for implementation, monitoring and controling the process.

  • Components of a business plan:
  • Company profile.
  • Technological review – technological advantages, usage and applications, relative advantages, etc.
  • Analysis of strengths and weaknesses relative to the the value chain. Example:
  • Example of value chain chart
    Example of value chain: R&D (Adaption, Communication protocol...), Production (Automation, Mass production, Size advantage, Pricing Structure...), Distribution (Geographic deployment, Centers, Channels, Goals...), Marketing (Customers segmantation, MAjor competitors, Brand, Market entry barriers...), Sales (Sales teams, Customers database, Means & goals, Customers service...)
  • Competetive Analysis – main players, identifying the competition, competitive arenas, etc.
  • Customer Analysis – customer characteristics, needs, segmentation.
  • Identification and assessment of product types – key characteristics, response to a need, product segmentation.
  • Market Analysis – defining the market, business models, barriers to entry, market suitability, possible niches.
  • Identifying trends and analyzing market potential – key trends, size of the market, market growthrate.
  • Return on Investment (ROI).
  • Developing a marketing plan.
  • Developing a sales plan.
  • Developing an operational plan.
  • Detailing financial development.
  • Business contacts and their contribution to the business.
  • Management capabilities.
  • Required Investments.
  • Organizational structure and staffing.
Only those who will risk going too far, can possibly find out how far one can go.T.S. Eliot