TACK Growth Strategies - Change Management

Change Management

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Human nature tends to be ambivalent regarding change – on the one hand we "embrace" change and see it as a challenge; on the other hand, organizational change creates a fear, resistance and de-motivation.

In mapping the forces of change, we identify "fear blocks" and "hope engines" , alongside the forces operating at the organizational level.

We categorize uncertainty, loss of control and personal losses as "fear blocks" as opposed to benefits, personal profit and development possibilities as "hope engines" in the process of organizational change.

Organizational change arises from changing needs, whether due to external pressures for change or planned, deliberate internal desires (internal reasons). Examples of external reasons are business opportunities, a business threat or technological change. Internal reasons arise from a personal desire for development, growth and transformation. 37% of organizations undergoing a change process do so as a result of a CEO replacement.

  • The Manager's Role in Change Management
  • Promote the vision
  • Create the future orientation of the organization at its best
  • Communicate trust, optimism and passion
  • Provide emotional support
  • Identify fears and concerns
  • Balance between reason and emotions
  • Create certainty via a process that supports organizational change
How do we build a ship? Do we herd people together to collect wood, design plans and build a ship? No, We herd people together to instill in them the love and longing for the endless immensity of the sea. Antoine de Saint-Exupery